Saturday, 28 October 2017

Mini Guns Gameplay - The Prototype (Intercopter Mission)(Premium Content)

Mini Guns - Version 1.0.10 Release Notes

New Feature: Revenge
Get back at the commander you almost beat and have the chance of winning additional gold!

New Feature: Seasons
Win battles in the Elite League to gain Elite tokens and claim the ultimate prize!

Revamped and added extra Leaderboards (Score / Elite Tokens / Honor, all current season and all time)

- Turret Base: Reduced spread from 5-35 to 5-30, reduced aim time from 0.65 sec to 0.3 sec, reduced fire time from 0.1 sec to 0.05 sec, increased turret rotation speed
- Soldier: Increased reload time from 0.5 sec to 0.8 sec, decreased damage vs buildings from 50% to 25%
- Assault: Reduced spread from 5 to 5-15, increased base damage from 25 to 30 (20%)
- Commando: Reduced gun spread from 20 to 5-15
- Special Ops: Increased gun base damage from 30 to 45 (50%) , removed gun spread, prioritizes throwing bomb first and shouldn't throw more than 1 anymore, increased move/run speed from 18/43 to 21/54
- Paratrooper: Doubled falling speed, increased damage from 35 to 50 (43%) , increased clip from 20 to 30, doesn't target tanks anymore
- Turret Truck: Reduced aim time from 0.5 sec to 0.3 sec, increased reload time from 1.6 sec to 1.7 sec, increased turret rotation speed
- Bike: Reduced spread from 15 to 5-15
- Tank Buster Truck: Reduced health from 500 to 400 (-20%) , reduced damage from 600 to 500 (-17%) , removed radius on attack damage, reworked target priorities, reduced damage vs bases from 50% to 25%
- Trike: Increased move/run speed from 28/54 to 39/61
- Turret Tank: Reduced spread from 5-35 to 5-30, reduced aim time from 0.6 sec to 0.3 sec, increased reload time from 2 sec to 2.2 sec, increased turret rotation speed
- Ace Tank: Removed spread, increased damage from 500 to 600 (20%) , increased damage to infantry from 50% to 100%
- Attack Helicopter: Reduced fire time from 0.8 sec to 0.7 sec
- Stealth Bomber: Explosion no longer has damage falloff from center, increased speed from 90 to 111
- Anti-Air Base: Reduced spread from 5-35 to 5-30, reduced aim time from 0.65 sec to 0.3 sec, reduced fire time from 0.1 sec to 0.05 sec, increased turret rotation speed
- Infantry: Increased reload time from 0.5 sec to 0.8 sec, decreased damage vs buildings from 50% to 25%
- Attack Trooper: Reduced spread from 5 to 5-15, increased damage from 30 to 36 (20%)
- Anti-Air Truck: Reduced aim time from 0.5 sec to 0.3 sec, increased reload time from 1.6 sec to 1.7 sec, increased turret rotation speed
- Motorcycle: Reduced spread from 15 to 5-15
- Cannon Truck: Reduced health from 400 to 320 (-20%) , reduced damage from 720 to 600 (-17%) , removed radius on attack damage, reworked target priorities, reduced damage vs bases from 50% to 25%
- Sidecar: Increased move/run speed from 28/54 to 39/61
- Shredder: Increased health from 1200 to 1440 (20%) , reduced cost from 8 to 7, reduced reload time from 3.9 sec to 3 sec
- Heavy Tank: Increased health from 2160 to 3600, removed run speed
- Anti-Air Tank: Reduced spread from 5-35 to 5-30, reduced aim time from 0.6 sec to 0.3 sec, increased reload time from 2 sec to 2.2 sec, increased turret rotation speed
- Rocket Copter: Reduced fire time from 0.8 sec to 0.7 sec
- Bomb Balloon: Reduced damage vs tanks from 100% to 75%
- Fire Bomber: Increased speed from 64 to 68
- Doomsky: Explosion no longer has damage falloff from center, increased speed from 90 to 111

- Improved AI behavior
- Added some time-limited decorations on the Forest for Halloween (visible from Oct 26th to Nov 1st)
- Added Linking option in Settings Menu on Kongregate
- Added Map Selection in Friendly Battles
- Change Ranking system so that a user cannot drop out of a Major rank anymore
- Rebalanced Honor costs for Honor Capacity and Member Capacity Alliance Perks

- Fixed multiple minor crashes
- Fixed multiple minor visual UI bugs
- Adjusted multiple Mini animations with new timings
- Fixed an issue where the deploy line would sometimes get stuck in the environment
- Fixed multiple Steam Beta specific issues (mostly display)
- Fixed a bug where Stationary Minis range indicator was imprecise (mostly noticeable when deploying a Bomb Balloon over an enemy base)
- Optimization of in-game data so it's lighter on memory usage
- Fixed an issue with Strongbox sometimes getting stuck in "Ready to Open"

10-26-2017 Hotfix Changelog
- Increased Howitzer/Heavy Mortar minimum range from 18 to 31m
- Increased Recon Tank / Mini Tank reload time from 0.5sec to 1sec
- Re-added really small blast radius to Tank Buster Truck / Cannon Truck to attempt to fix the accuracy bug
- Fixed an issue where emojis would disappear from HUD during matches
- Fixed a crash when purchasing new emojis from Faction Detail screen

Friday, 27 October 2017

Mini Guns Gameplay - The Invasion Pt. 2 (Intercopter Mission)(Premium)

Mini Guns - Version 1.0.08 Release Notes

New Map: Fallen City
Prepare your armies and develop new strategies with this whole new terrain!

New Feature: Daily Login Rewards
Come back every day for some cool rewards and progress faster towards battlefield domination!

New League: Elite League
Reach the top of the leaderboard and prepare yourself for upcoming new prizes!

Instant Upgrades
New deals every day to progress faster on Mini upgrading!

- Added 1 Extra Slot in the main menu to purchase for 250 Gold
- Random 2v2 is back in the main menu (you can now toggle 1v1 and/or 2v2 separately!)
- Added visual feedback on unlock timer on Mini slots during battles
- Added score rating on match end when winning/losing battles

- Reduced base hp of all heavy infantry from 750 to 600
- Soldier: Increased run speed from 43km/h to 47km/h
- Assault: Reduced health from 400 to 300
- Heavy Machine Gun: Increased health from 250 to 300, increased speed from 28km/h to 30km/h
- Commando: Reduced health from 300 to 200, increased gun range from 9m to 11m, increased grenade range from 5-12m to 12-24m, doesn't target vehicles and bases with grenade anymore
- Mechanic: Reduced speed from 18km/h to 10km/h
- Blaster: Reduced damage vs trucks from 100% to 75%
- Howitzer: Increased reload time from 2.3sec to 3sec, increased spread from 40 to 60, reduced damage % vs tanks from 75% to 50%, increased upkeep from 12 to 15
- Helicopter: Reduced run speed from 54km/h to 43km/h, increased upkeep from 12 to 15
- Attack Helicopter: Reduced run speed from 43km/h to 39km/h
- Transport Helicopter: Increased upkeep from 12 to 20
- Typhoon: Increased upkeep from 12 to 20
- Warthog: Reduced health from 1000 to 500
- Jet: Reduced fire time between missiles from 0.5sec to 0.2sec, increased upkeep from 4 to 10
- Sniper Base: Reduced damage vs trucks from 50% to 25%, reduced damage % vs tanks from 50% to 25%
- Fire Base: Reduced damage vs trucks from 100% to 50%, damage % vs tanks reduced from 50% to 10%, doesn't target tanks anymore
- Infantry: Increased run speed from 43km/h to 47km/h
- Stationary Gunner: Increased health from 200 to 240, increased speed from 28km/h to 30km/h
- Attack Troop: Health reduced from 320 to 240
- Sniper: Reduced speed from 18km/h to 10km/h, run speed from 40 to 34km/h
- Engineer: Reduced speed from 18km/h to 10km/h
- Heavy Infantry: Reduced damage vs trucks from 100% to 75%
- Pyroblaster: Reduced cost from 4 to 3, increased reload time from 0.4sec to 3sec, reduced clip from 50 to 30, damage % vs trucks reduced from 100% to 50%, damage % vs tanks reduced from 50% to 10%
- Heavy Mortar: Increased reload time from 2.3sec to 3sec, increased spread from 40 to 60, reduced damage % vs tanks from 75% to 50%, increased upkeep from 12 to 15
- Rocket Copter: Reduced run speed from 43km/h to 39km/h
- Bomb Balloon: Added a minimum range of 10m, increased max angle from 120 to 150
- Intercopter: Increased gun fire time from 0.05sec to 0.1sec, increased gun reload time from 0 to 1sec, increased gun clip from 20 to 30, increased gun range from 18m to 24m, increased gun damage from 16 to 20, increased missile fire time from 0.1sec to 0.2sec, increased missile damage from 48 to 80, reduced upkeep from 16 to 15
- Hunter: Reduced fire time between missiles from 0.5sec to 0.2sec, increased upkeep from 4 to 10

- Changed unlock requirement for certain Minis to be with Leagues
- Added zoom in effect on Minis at the end of a battle
- Added Honor gain in 1v1 when part of an Alliance (upgradable with new perk!)
- Bases no longer get their health set when Sudden Death starts. Instead the % of health loss is now scaled relatively to the total health they had when it starts (so if no base gets hit they take the same amount of time to burn as currently and it results in a tie)
- Rebalanced Megasafe content

- Fixed multiple loading issues
- Fixed multiple crashes during battles
- Fixed multiple crashes in the menus
- Multiple server optimizations
- Fixed certain UI displaying improperly on certain resolutions
- Fixed a bug with Command Tank regeneration not scaling with it's levels
- Fixed an issue where Jet/Hunter weren't targeting ground vehicles properly (now has Hunting trait)